Syringes of toxins pierce the shriveled spiderwebs under my skin. Mortal, cherry red nutrients is drawn out like a verbose speech. The push and pull of an uneven tug of war match drags my body along the ground which sandpapers me into nothingness. My body is a nuclear reactor full of slow deaths of people I do not know. I see needles as my eyes close for the last time, wishing they were cat scratches from the one who truly knew me.
Your fingers are beetles diving underneath my skin and killing my appetite. A hand of putrid flesh laced in maggot infested regret. Can I dive into the trash and live there? The home of the ego yelling like a ladybug- as menacing. Do I wish to be? Kill my thoughts slowly and I might as well be dead. I am dead and numb. Who am I? What is this place? Why do I feel like no one? A hand stokes my back like a banker visiting his gold. I am not gold. I am a ladybug trying my best to be my best. I smell the leaves but cannot see them. All I see is a plastic lining.