Saturday, May 26, 2018

"Wind Dancers" by Elexer

Wind Dancers
by Elexer

Dancing in the wind
Of crashing surf.

Pulling in the kind
to keep me sure

And safe
In this place
Of turbulent waters.

Grace your 
Upon this soft
Salt air.

Keeping me there,
with you,
in this dance.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Heavens' Gift By Elexer

The Heavens' Gift 
 By Elexer

Quiet pool
Of helium laughter
At my dream
Of seemingly
Detached wisdom.

Merry meet
The war
Of The Heavens'

Saturday, May 12, 2018

"Springtime Beauty" by Elexer

Springtime Beauty

By Elexer

You are beautiful
With hair of 
An orange cream
Sweet delight.
 Mother of Springtime,
Sugar, and Pollen,
You brush your scents
Along noses.
You say, "hello",
Breeze-filled touch
Of lemon and ginger. 
Bringing us knew hope-
Knew wonders- about
The world.
You are beautiful
With our without 
Your exterior.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

"Suffocating Beauty" by Elexer

Suffocating Beauty

By Elexer

Glistening perfume-filled blankets
Of silk,
Glide amongst the cosmos-
Imitating the starlight
They wish they were.
Lips kiss the face of the moon,
Hoping for an atom of light
To be absorbed
Within themselves.

The moon breathes.

Intoxicating and violent, velvet fills
It's mouth of mountains.
The stars,
The only specks of light,
To guild oneself,
In the darkness.
Soft petals
Turn to suffocation.